Larger Slice of Life
Once upon a time eons and eons ago, there was a timeless and spaceless place where there was no sound,no sight; no rights no wrongs,..just a glare of consciousness, which fell hopelessly, rose hopelessly and it was hopelessly motionless.Sounds like an atom before the bigbang or maybe a stratocar’s interior navigating in unthinkable speeds back in time,but nah,that was me endlessly dazing at an aesthetically pleasing piece of architecture, evoking notions of timelessness, in a place outside of time.I was amazed at the geometry ,sense of order and the magnanimous space.I perceived it in a whole way with my whole being…all my senses speaking to me at the same time.Time slowed to a calming tempo.While one is in an experience which is as immersive and all involving, being gets intense.No notions.Good or bad,Beautiful or ugly, wrinkled or soft..Just perceiving art in its purest form.I wonder why can’t it be applied to Life in general?…Just considering life as life with
absolutely no judgements.Life at its intense best.
Intensity is our new Nirvana.One doesn’t really would want to associate with things less intense because they don’t get us going or rather they are boring..Larger slice of Life???Well, it’s an endless chase or work in progress for me.We all are seeking to intensify life to maximum, to get a kick or to seek something beyond and to experience a larger slice of life.How large a slice of life would settle one for good?All the multiple longings that a being exhibits is only to find that extra zest in life.Nothing would be enough…Subconsciously,One would always yearn to seize a larger chunk of life every moment..
While I set off travelling, with so much of inspiration around me, tapping on into a creative headspace has been thrilling.The spiritual trip to visit the architecture cult in Tamil nadu, had made me revisit my connection with Art.Throughout the years, i had a stronger appreciation for Art in any form.Running my hands over the inscriptions in Airavateswara temple walls,i found myself stupefied at the flawlessness of the moment..a bit befuddled.. a thing that happens while discovering oneself at the centre of one’s own cosmos can do to an otherwise not so outrageously sentimental person.I wondered,”What could essentially be the neural underpinnings of this kind of aesthetically moving experience?” It is natural to experience joy,pleasure shivering down the spine or even negative emotions of fear,anger,disgust or shame in front of visually challenged stimulus.The very feeling that the sculpture could be the record of what the sculptor might have been feeling at that time in the yore itself gives chills.ART…is all around us.Painting or sculptures.Food. Beauty. Antiques. Fashion. Furniture. Design. Music. Writing and the list goes on.In everything there’s a bit of this which is hidden and unassuming..While Intensity need not be about being physically active or to be on run or enjoying a strong coffee or listening to loud music…One just needs to be fully immersed and meditative..Here i was completely soaked in my senses ,appreciating the dull coloured yet prolific craftsmanship details.I live for these treasured moments…the moment i felt blessed to be alive..My moment of experiencing a timeless slice of life…
I have been and proudly am a drifter of sorts, wanting to experience little bit of this and little bit of that.My penchant for ancient doors and windows or beauty of ruins would equally make me ponder also about cruise ships and trains.As paradoxical it may sound,the best part of my love for art is that here, beauty and ugly don’t negate each other,neither does art fit in any aesthetic category.The colours, shapes, taste and texture would start affecting one to the degree one decides to walk through it .Both aspect of art,though we experience differently have the same emotional centre in the brain.
Travel or art in any form can disengage one from the rut and pave way for new thoughts and a space to turn within.The space where we have a yearning to seek more from life, where we give weight and wings and hold on to any beauty we encounter and that experience becomes an extension of who we are.